October 17, 2022

How to find NEW Niches to Promote

Many of you are having difficulty finding new niches to promote, ultimately leading to struggles in saturated, high-competition niches or categories that get little to no traffic altogether. Let me show you in this article some basic principles to finding new niches that has very low competition / high traffic ratios.


Method #1


Go onto the Google Play store and iOS App Store. Set your location / store location to a country audience you wish to target. Look at the top charts, top trending apps under the various categories. Under 'paid apps' you can upload YouTube videos on how to get this specific app for free. Try it yourself by first looking that key-phrase onto YouTube and see how much traffic these are getting / competition ratio. I have found so many banger niches this way that earned me easy profits and the best part is, there are always new apps and programs that people want for free.


The next category would be "top free apps". You should tap on these apps and investigate what it is all about. Find out what people desire from this app, what they would search on YouTube for it. Example: "Snapchat premium for free". "How to unlock all cars in Hill Climb" etc. There is virtually unlimited niches to be found and monetized.

You can fiddle around the app store for a long time finding new creative niches to do. I recommend checking out the top charts every once in a while so you don't miss out on a great niche!


Method #2


APK Website lists is another profound source to finding niches that wouldn't show up in the app store so easily. Many of these apps are highly desirable to download on both iOS and Android but are typically harder to install than a typical app.

So the perfect video type would be "how to download / install target niche onto iOS / Android / iPhone etc.". Simply look up the catalogue of ' APK' apps on these sites and then search the download term onto YouTube. Find one with good traffic and low competition and go for it! (but also beware of takedown risks especially in the Jailbreaking app type space). Some of my best all-time niches came from these sites.


Method #3


Go directly onto YouTube or Google search using an incognito tab. Begin searching terms like "how to install on iOS". Then place your mouse cursor in between "install" and "on". Type random letters and see what suggestions pop up by the algorithm. Example: "How to install s on ios".

You will see a list of popular searches / apps that begin with the letter s.

A completed example would be: "How to install m on ios" top suggestion = "how to install moviebox on ios".


Useful tool


I highly recommend you install a chrome extension called VidIQ. This tool lets you instantly see traffic reports, competition scores, SEO ratings and what tags a video used. All of this is presented to you automatically while you are using YouTube and searching for niches. This makes the process of looking up niches / judging the quality of the niche much easier. In my opinion the single best feature is the estimated views per hour a specific video is getting, allowing you to gauge how much traffic the niche is generating now instead of total views from a long time ago.