January 9, 2023

Checkout Twitter

Twitter now has more users than ever before and is growing at a steady rate, especially among first world countries. Twitter fired most of the staff responsible for moderating content on the platform and thus you will be able to get away with making tweets that promote your landing page, brand and content locker. A temporary golden age has returned to Twitter feed as a traffic source if done correctly.


If your tweets are obvious baloney stories that look like spam then don't expect good results as per usual, if your tweet and narrative appears genuine you can totally fly under the radar and harness decent traffic.


Something else to consider is how many big advertisers left Twitter for political reasons whilst the userbase has grown, leaving a huge ad space vacuum that can be taken advantage of.


I highly recommend you look into Twitter as a traffic source via the organic feed and also the ads platform. Both have strong potential that some people have managed to profit on. Although I cannot yet go into the exact specifics of what niche to target and so on, the rebirth of Twitter methods is quickly evolving in a volatile way and what strategy works can quickly change. But anyway, if you have the time and want to try a new traffic source, give Twitter a try!